Music Observer

Heretic Klick Taking Over the Texas Music Scene and Giving up the Underground Tag

The Tamez brothers, Eddie (Sin-X) and Marcus (Wicked-T), have made the underground rap scene their home. The duo, popularly known by their stage name, Heretic Klick, has made great and relatable music for both their fans and lovers of good music for over ten years. The pair is originally from Lubbock, Texas, but has now made Arlington, TX, their permanent home. And like many fellow rap heads in the game, the pair own their record label, Rabble Rouza Records, under whose imprint their materials are published and distributed globally.

Heretic Klick began in 2005 in a local bar in Arlington, Texas, when the brother decided to get on the stage and freestyle to a crowd of about 200 people. This performance was 200 hearty cheers from a crowd that is mainly made up of strangers. From this moment on, they felt they could go professional and make a career out of music, and since then, they haven’t looked back. With over 90,000 monthly listeners on Spotify and over 200 million streams on all platforms, Heretic Klick is most certainly not a pushover. They owe their musical and rap influences to rappers like 2Pac, Esham, TechN9ne, and Rockstars like Slikpnot, Hellyeah, and Pantera. Despite the influences from different genres and backgrounds, the duo has successfully created their unique sound and style, with a killer performance to go alongside their gritty sound. They are well on their way to make a stamp in the music scene. 

Heretic Klick has been described as a versatile and multidimensional music group that can touch on as many issues as possible with their music. Their music cuts across topics such as love, politics, heartbreak, and so on. In their versatility, they are exposed as a multi-genre music group because they are more than just a rap group. “We have elements of rock, dubstep, trap, jazz, oldies, classic rock, and many other music genres for any audience to enjoy.” 

In addition, as part of the group Corporate Social Responsibility, they occasionally perform for free in their community during special events to raise money or awareness on issues affecting the community at large. “We have had benefits to raise money and awareness for cancer, and we have raised money for struggling families in our communities. We love to be involved in our community and help others when we can, and we do it with our music which is super rewarding,” Marcus explained.

Music is not audience-specific; however, certain genres are demographic-centric, and because of the type of music that comes out of the Heretic Klick, it is believed that anybody who loves to listen to music would find their songs relatable, although people in their 20s and late 30s will most likely enjoy the music more than any other person would.

Marcus understands that aiming for the highest level possible is not too much for the Heretic Klick, considering the amount of work they have put in through the years as a rap group who breaks boundaries, uniting people and contributing to their immediate society. However, when asked where he sees the group five years from now, he said, “We see ourselves creating more music for the masses and being recognized for our talents and creativity, we see ourselves climbing the charts, soaring to unimaginable heights with our music and our hard work. We also hope to achieve success in all aspects of our lives, and the future looks bright; we can’t tell the future, but we can plan for it, and we are planning for success.”

For more information on the duo, upcoming project release dates and tour dates, visit their website.

Company Name: Heretic Klick

Contact Person: Marcus Tamez

Contact Email:

Phone Number: 817-714-6883

Country Name: United States


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