Music Observer

Vicky: A Harmony of Resilience, Dreams, and Self-Discovery

Vicky: A Harmony of Resilience, Dreams, and Self-Discovery
Photo Credited to: VICKY

Interviewer: Today, we have the pleasure of sitting with the incredible singer, Vicky, whose journey is an inspiring tale of unwavering faith and determination. Vicky, thank you for joining us.

Vicky: Thank you for having me. I am excited to chat!

Interviewer: Let’s start at the beginning. You were born in Ukraine but grew up in Russia. How did your early experiences shape your love for music?

Vicky: Well, music and I have been inseparable since I can remember. I sang everywhere, even in class, which got me some not-so-friendly teacher remarks. MTV USA, thanks to my neighbors’ satellite dish, introduced me to Whitney Huston, Celine Dion, and Mariah Carey, and that’s when the dream of singing in English took root.

Interviewer: Your journey to becoming a singer involved overcoming financial hurdles at a young age. Tell us about the challenges you faced and how you managed to pursue your passion.

Vicky: At 14, I had to work various jobs—assistant cook, cashier, singing in restaurants, even karaoke—to afford English lessons, music school tuition, and vocal training. It wasn’t easy, but I was determined to learn and make my mark.

Vicky: A Harmony of Resilience, Dreams, and Self-Discovery

Photo Credited to: VICKY

Interviewer: Fast forward to your time at Gnessin Pop and Jazz College in Moscow. How did that period shape your career?

Vicky: Joining a girl group in my first year and later being cast in the popular Daiquiri group during my second year were pivotal moments. Working on small stages helped me confront my fears and gave me a taste of the industry’s challenges.

Interviewer: “Star Factory 4” marked a significant chapter in your career. Can you share your experience on the show and its impact on your musical journey?

Vicky: Absolutely. “Star Factory 4” was like a music boot camp. Living in a house full of contestants for three months, facing intense competition, and performing on big stages—was both challenging and rewarding. The exposure, recognition, and fan support encouraged me to keep moving forward.

Interviewer: After the show, you collaborated with artists like Timati and the Malikovs. What drove you to take on such diverse projects?

Vicky: While those experiences were valuable, I knew deep down I wanted something different—songs in English. So, I boldly decided to move to Israel with my husband. Unfortunately, my mother’s passing threw me into a dark period, but the birth of my son became the light that guided me back to the stage.

Interviewer: Moving forward, you explored Eurovision and released several tracks, each with its unique story. How did these experiences shape your recent work, especially in the context of the global pandemic?

Vicky: The pandemic brought a mix of emotions. Amidst the challenges, the desire to break free and share my perspective with the world fueled the creation of new songs like “Do It,” “Get High,” and “Dancin.” Each track reflects a different facet of my journey and emotions.

Interviewer: Your upcoming track, “Sweet Sadness,” holds a particularly poignant story. Can you give us a glimpse into the inspiration behind this song?

Vicky: “Sweet Sadness” is about a passionate love that ends abruptly, leaving you with memories and an aftertaste of bitterness. The accompanying video, filmed during a difficult period, reflects my journey through loss and depression. It’s a piece of my soul that I decided to share.

Vicky: A Harmony of Resilience, Dreams, and Self-Discovery

Photo Credited to: VICKY

Interviewer: Collaborations are a significant part of your current projects. Can you tell us about working with international artists and DJs?

Vicky: Absolutely. Collaborating with European, American, and English co-authors and DJs has been an enriching experience. It’s about expanding my creative horizons and bringing diverse influences into my music.

Interviewer: As we wrap up, what’s the driving force behind your music, and what message do you hope to convey to your audience?

Vicky: My love for my family, belief in love and higher powers, and an inability to live without creativity are the driving forces. Through my music, I want to convey strength, self-love, and the power of transformation by sharing our stories.

Interviewer: Vicky, thank you for sharing your incredible journey. We look forward to witnessing the continued evolution of your musical career.

Vicky: Thank you. It’s been a pleasure. Stay tuned for more!

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