Music Observer

The World Funk Orchestra Ignites Rebellion with “The Factory”

Photo Courtesy: The World Funk Orchestra

If you’ve ever daydreamed about standing up to a bullying, demeaning boss with some choice words, The World Funk Orchestra’s latest track, “The Factory,” offers the perfect backdrop for your moment of rebellion. With the very first notes, carried by the haunting, defiant harmonies of South African fusion phenom Nhowza Sitsholwana, listeners are immediately gripped and drawn into a story of defiance and determination that feels both fresh and deeply reminiscent of the spirited anthems of Rita Marley and the I Threes.

The Factory isn’t just a song; it’s an experience. WFO’s rhythm section, featuring Michael Ratti on drums and Mitchell Stuart on bass guitar, injects a vibrant Caribbean dancehall bounce that virtually teleports you to the inspirational shores of Jamaica. It’s here that Stuart, as the song’s composer, shares a slice of life that’s as personal as it is universal – the relentless pursuit of dreams in the face of overwhelming odds.

Josh Samson lends his soulful voice as the South African narrator of this anthem, blending comedic lyrics with a compelling narrative about striving for greatness despite societal constraints. The musical mastery doesn’t end there; from Beachfront B-3 Organ vibes courtesy of the legendary Onree Gill to the shoulder-powered rhythm guitars of Stuart and Mark Roule and the virtuosic licks of Matthew Samson, every note and lyric is carefully crafted to inspire and empower.

With added depth from an authentic choir arrangement by Cedric Samson, “The Factory” emerges as more than a song—it’s a battle cry for anyone who’s dared to dream in the face of adversity. It encapsulates the essence of never giving up, despite what the naysayers might preach. Topped with a hook that you can’t escape, a beat that commands your body to move, and lyrics that stir your soul, “The Factory” is poised to become a song that defines an era.

In essence, The World Funk Orchestra’s “The Factory” is not just a track you listen to—it’s one you experience, live by, and perhaps use as your anthem in facing life’s myriad challenges. It’s a song for the dreamers, the fighters, and anyone who’s ever been told their dreams are too big or too unattainable. “The Factory” tells us, in rhythm and rhyme, that the bigger the dream, the more worth the fight.


Since its initial release in April 2023, World Funk Orchestra has achieved remarkable success, amassing more than 225,000 streams on Spotify and captivating audiences with over 18 million views on video platforms. The track’s infectious melody and unique blend of genres have also taken TikTok by storm, garnering over 100,000 likes and nearly 70,000 fans. Its continuous growth is evident across various social media platforms, including Spotify, YouTube, and Instagram, demonstrating its widespread appeal. Furthermore, the song has been at the heart of commendable reviews and charitable campaigns, effectively building a loyal international fanbase in the United States, as well as key markets across Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.

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Published by: Holy Minoza

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