Music Observer

Rising Artist Chucky Royale Brings a New Vibe to the Industry as He Inspires People to Build Their Own Royale Lifestyle

The influence of music knows no bounds as it reaches out to impact people in several areas of their life. For certain people, music is their escape from their problems and for others, their motivation. Chucky Royale, a rising artist in the music industry, sees music as a way of life and uses it to inspire others to achieve great things in life.

Chucky Royale was born and raised in Jamaica where he spent several years of his early life. He would later fly over to Orlando, Florida, paving the way to his music career. Chucky Royale took his name from a nickname he received as a baby. According to his uncle, Chucky was such a troublesome child that he reminded him of the Child’s Play character, Chucky. 

In the eighth grade, Chucky added Royale to his stage name. He believes that everyone has the chance to become a self-made king or queen. Chucky believes that not being born into royalty shouldn’t be a reason for people to enjoy the treasures of the world. He believes that the only thing people need is to have a Royale Mindset to achieve anything they want.

As he grew older, Chucky took his beliefs to heart and implemented them as the foundation for his brand. He didn’t like how the world was running and believed that people could be doing more to improve their lives. With a desire to inspire others, Chucky felt that the best way to do so was by building a career in the music industry and creating a clothing line.

As a musician, Chucky’s style is a cross between rap and Jamaican dancehall, separating him from other artists in the industry. By crossing hip-hop, rap, Jamaican dancehall, and reggae, Chucky creates an entirely new sound with a different vibe. 

His music’s content serves as a blueprint to teach and inspire people about improving and becoming the best version of themselves so they can learn about getting rich. Chucky’s music bridges the gap between the haves and the have-nots as he initially started as a have-not. He wants to show people how they can become a ‘have.’

Outside of music, Chucky Royale runs a clothing line called UPNXT. The line is dedicated to using their clothing to empower individuals with their authentic, top quality products. In keeping in line with their mission of celebrating people’s individuality, each piece is only made once. The brand’s motto is “Work hard in silence.”

They are dedicated to improving their customer’s quality of life with their content and clothing. Each piece inspires people to work hard in silence with a strong mentality and reach the next level of life.

Chucky Royale may just be starting in his music career, but he already has his sights on greatness. He hopes to build a following of over a million subscribers on YouTube with millions of social media followers.

To view more of Chucky Royale’s music, you can check out his YouTube channel. You can also find him streaming on Apple Music and Spotify. For updates on his next releases, follow him on Instagram.

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